A 27-years old Spanish designer-researcher-educator looking for a place in Rotterdam!
Wensen ligging
Rotterdam Noord or any location 4km far from Rotterdam Central Station!
Wensen pand
A space with not many rooms where each of us can have a little corner of intimacy but a beautiful sharing space to have some common living. Preferably unfurnished, as a designer I am a big enthusiastic about interiors. Additionally, as a Mediterranean soul, a room with natural light is highly needed, as well as a minimum surface of 15m2 for the bedroom.
Wensen groep
A group with similar interests and a sense of communication, appreciation, respect, and care. Young professionals with interests in culture, design, arts, environment, and music are highly appreciated and really important, not smokers inside. Looking for people who are used to having responsibilities and commitments in their lives and as so, will bring a good balance to the home environment!
Beschrijf jezelf
My name is Ana, I am a 27-year-old Spanish multidisciplinary designer currently working with educational and creative institutions. I currently live in Rotterdam but due to my house getting sold by my landlord, I am looking for a new place. Before, I was living in Eindhoven, where I did my master's studies at Design Academy Eindhoven, where I currently teach as a mentor. I also work as a tutor at the Royal Academy of Art of The Hague, as well as for the Studio of Marina Otero Verzier as a researcher and designer. For a more nerdy understanding of myself, you can find everything at anarroblesperez.com
As a good Spanish, my free time is usually spent outdoors, aiming to get all the Dutch sun and being a fanatic of outdoor activities. In terms of house living situation, I have been sharing places for the last 8 years. I enjoy living dynamics when a communal understanding of cleanliness, care, respect, and communication is shared. A feeling of home and calmness is always needed for me at home. Sharing a cup of wine to catch up about the intensity of our days together with some delicious bites of food (for me vegetarian), is more than welcome (and sometimes really needed from the people you share space with)