Support chat for people who are searching?
For rent or for sale
for rent
Indication number of residents
Indication group composition
We were wondering if there are more people who find this process of finding a suitable woongroep quite difficult and would want to create a little chat to support each other. We could share what works for us, what doesn't. And, in general, support each other in this process.

We speak reasonable Dutch, but it would be easier to have it in English. But we are absolutely okay if you communicate only in Dutch, as long as you are okay that we reply in English.

It might help to have a smaller group (8-10 people) and to create more groups if there are more people wanting to join.
If you like the idea and would want to join this little support group, feel free to reply to this message and share your preferred means of communication (WhatsApp, etc.)
Contact information
If you want to read more about us, see our listing above.

Oh, and we don't live in any woongroep yet, so please don't write to us if you just want to "join" a new woongroep. This idea is for people who are searching and want to receive and give support in this process.
Placed at
Dec. 3, 2024, 10:32 a.m.
March 3, 2025, 10:32 a.m.
This listing has been viewed 442 times
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